I was able to get to my reading and prayer today, but not much study time!
Kelsea and I had a busy day, and are heading for an even busier one tomorrow. 9:20 Dr. appt for Kelsea, 12 noon Bible study, 3:30 Hershey Dr. appt. and then church at 7. :) Hopefully, it will be spaced out enough that I will get to breath in between… which is why I had a Dr. appt today.
Last night, we had an awesome move of God in our service. There are those times when He just comes in and you can almost see the cloud of His glory. You would have to be dead not to feel His presence in these types of services.
I was praying with a young lady… and I remember saying, “Lord, If my breathing never gets better, but you answer this womans prayer, and provide for her need… then I know that You will give me strength to endure.”  I don’t necessarily want to live in a condition where I am constantly trying to catch my next breath… but my health is not near as important as seeing someone come to God with a repentant heart and seeking His will for their life.
As Pastor preached last night, sometimes God takes us to places, so that He has our complete attention and we turn to Him. All around me, I am seeing that people are in a constant need of more… better jobs, a job, healing… just so many things. And God is standing there, saying, “I am here. Try me. I have everything you need.”
I’m so thankful that the God I serve is personal. He knows me better than I know myself, and if I have issues with my breathing… then He knows them, and there is none greater than He. :)  I know in whom I trust!