Thought provoking…

Today, as I was reading in Judges, I got stuck on a few verses… because my mind started pulling together various thoughts.  You know how that works.  It is like an “AHA” moment.

In Joshua, as the children of Israel took possession of the land, they drove out the inhabitance of that land (in most instances).  But in the beginning of Judges, you see the statement, “did not drive out the …” over and over again.  Then, you see in Judges 2:10, that “there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel.”

Why?  They dwelt among those that were already inhabiting the cities.  They began to worship their gods (idols) and they began to take their daughters to be their wives.

In Judges 2:14, it says, “the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel, and he delivered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them, and sold them into the hands of their enemies round about, so that they could not any longer stand before their enemies“  During this time, God raise up judges.  God was with the judges, and delivered them out of the hand of the enemies while the judges were alive.  But when the judge was dead, the children of Israel returned unto their corrupt ways.  Again, the anger of the Lord was hot against them… he said, “Because that this people hath transgressed my covenant which I commanded their fathers, and have not hearkened unto my voice; I also will not henceforth drive out any from before them of the nations which Joshua left when he died.  That through them I may prove Israel, whether to walk therein, as their fathers did keep it, or not.”

What struck me was …  Why did they settle to share the land that was given to them?  Why didn’t they do, as they had done when taking Bezek or Zephath?   Where did their fight go? As the children of Israel dwelt among these nations, they became more like them.  They accepted their ways, they accepted their gods.  They never became stronger by dwelling among them.

Often we accept things because… well it seems “kind” to do.  Where would these inhabitance go, if we force them out? That is confrontational!  We need to all get along with each other.  This is a “feeling” that is being pushed through society today.  And, I am one of the ones that deals with being non-confrontational.  I don’t like having a head to head with anyone.  But, when the word of God is being pushed around, and used for peoples own agendas… something rises up within me.  We have to be strong enough to say… “This is what I believe and I’m not sorry for it.”  Why should I be sorry for what I believe?  When the Word of God is what I believe?  I understand forgiveness and mercy and grace.  I don’t want to be the judge of others… but I do have to judge myself!  Where do I stand?  What do I believe?  Does it line up with the Word of God?

Am I going to become like the children of Israel?  Where I begin to do and think like this world?   That I am no different?  That I anger God?

Maybe the children of Israel … were just tired of fighting, just ready to settle down, just wanting to be seen as kind instead of always declaring who they were.

But at what point though… do we stop fighting?  At what point, do we lay down our sword?  At what time do we take off our armor?  At what point to we take off our shoes… and become really comfortable?

I think I have given myself a lot to think about… and hopefully for you too!

2 thoughts on “Thought provoking…

  1. Jay Jones says:

    That was excellent, babe. And so true… when we don’t drive out all the sin, all the addictions, all the guilt, all the shame, it comes back to control us. And in the sense of the World, when we allow ourselves to submit to their will instead of God’s, it only results in our own bondage.
    I love that phrase, “Where did their fight go?!” Hmmmm… You preaching that on Mother’s Day? 🙂

  2. Kendra Lynn says:

    I also deal with being non-confrontational. It has been a long, rough road for me. Scott has really helped me in this area, because he has helped me to see that if I don’t stand up for what I believe in, or for MYSELF, I am doing myself a disservice.
    I hope that I never get to the point where I forget to, or refuse to stand up for my beliefs.

    Thank you for sharing. What a great thought!

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