Last Sunday, our church embarked on a program called 40 Days of Fire. Already in one week we have seen some amazing things happening. I just want to recap on a few of those so that I don’t forget them! 🙂
Aunt Debbie had another stroke 2 weeks ago, she is now in a home were she can receive the therapy and treatment she needs to get better. Pastor visited with her on Thursday, and at that time, she still had no feeling in her left side. The doctors have told her that she will not regain use of her left side again. But as Pastor began to pray for her, she started to say, “Ow, Ow”… she was feeling pain in her left leg. Her smile is beginning to lift on the left side. Our God is able!!!! Also, there is a sweet lady, named Marge, who is Aunt Debbie’s roommate. Pastor prayed with her as well, we are expecting God to work in her and her husband’s lives while Debbie is there.
A lady that was visiting our church, came and decided to take on the 40 Days of Fire challenge. She has had difficulty being able to go to sleep at night without the help of medication for a long time. She told the friend that invited her the next day at work that, she read Acts 1 and fell asleep afterward and slept peacefully all night. This has continued as she is reading the Bible before she is going to bed. She is excited about what God is doing in her!!!
Little Kevin (7 years old), the grandson of a lady that attends our church was dedicated last week at a church in another city. It is one that doesn’t baptized in Jesus Name. But after Kevin was dedicated, he told his mom that he wasn’t done yet. He proceeded to take off his shoes and tell them that he needed to be baptized. He got into the water and told the minister that he had to be baptized in Jesus Name. So the minister baptized him in Jesus Name. His great grandma, uncle and brother were also baptized in the precious name of Jesus. Since then, Kevin has had such a change in his life. Family is recognizing that something is different about him… We are waiting to hear more good reports from this family.
Those are just a few of the testimonies of what God is doing during this 40 day Fire walk! 🙂 I’m excited to hear more and post as we get more news.
Today, at our leadership training meeting… Pastor had already told me that he was going to do a short lesson but really felt that we needed to just pray after that. Turn the session into an all out prayer meeting. Well, God acted before he even got to his lesson. We were talking about these miracles that God is doing in and through our church. The excitement was rising, and before you know it we were in that all out prayer meeting. The Lord spoke to us through tongues and interpretation. He said (in part), “You are afraid of pain, You are afraid of persecution, but look at me. I am your God. I want to take you deeper. I want to take you to another level. I will lead you. (to basically allow Him to cut away any ties that we have that aren’t of Him) to follow me.” It was beautiful. Hearing each person in that room feeling the weight of souls and feeling that call to intercession, sacrifice and boldness in Him.
After Pastor asked if anyone had anything else to add… what they might feel God is speaking to them, or to everyone. Bro. Rod talked of how right before Pastor began to interpret he saw a vision. No words… just a vision of sand, then rocky road and then pavement. As Pastor started speaking of “I want to take you deeper, I will lead you, follow me,” Bro. Rod felt that the sand was where some may be. It is hard to walk through sand, then some were on the rocky road where it is easy to slip and sprain an ankle, but how that God wants to lead us to that pavement. This is the path he wants to lead us to. Completely trusting Him…
Whoo… I get chills just thinking about it. God is so awesome! He loves us so deeply and completely. That He would come in our midst and minister to our lives. Each person getting something for themselves out of the same message… out of the same prayer meeting. He is personal and knows where each of us are. How awesome and beautiful is that? Amazing Love!
Well, I must get ready for church, but I believe that great things are in order for our service tonight! I want complete healing in my body… but if not, then He is still God! He is still able!!! I am in His hands! (Aren’t we all, really?)
What awesome testimonies! I will continue to pray that God heals and delivers! Love you!