While so very excited about what God did yesterday in our service. Seeing many that entered our doors for the first time… Seeing arms outstretched and lives being changed… Today, my heart is so heavy. Heavy with the burden for souls. Souls that have walked through doors of churches and have not returned again. Souls that are afraid of commitment. Souls that are undecided as to what is Truth, or accepting that there is a Truth. Souls that are seeking… desiring that someone will show them the way. Souls that are hurting from past failures. Souls that are struggling even though they seem fine… within them there is a battle warring. Souls… even my own, that are asking… What more can I do?
I feel such an urgency… but at the same time a loss at what steps to take because there is so much to do, and so little time. I am amazed that at such a wonderful time of year, a time to worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords… that people seem to forget so much. They become so engrossed in the trimmings and trappings of the Holiday… Oh, Where is Christ?
My Jesus, I can’t live without You! I am awed at Your very presence that You allow us to dwell in… It brings desire and dreams rising to the surface, prompting me to move… to do… something! Lord, I pray that I can be all the I need to be for You. I pray that my life reflects You. I pray that those who are seeking will find You. Lord, I pray that the deception that many live with will fall as scales from their eyes… Let them see Truth. Let them desire You. Stir them to the deepest part of their heart. Oh, God! Let us desire after You, Your ways… Your will. And let us not be so caught up in the life around us that we forget the real meaning of this celebration.
What more can I do? Show me! Change my desires if they aren’t after You. Make me to wake up early to fall to my knees and seek Your face. Keep me constantly checking my spirit… and aligning myself with You. Lord, You are ALL I need. You! Jesus!
Beautifully expressed. 🙂 I love you, friend.