Catching Up!

Today, I am playing (notice I said playing) catch up.  I don’t know that it is possible to finish everything that is on my list.. and then some that aren’t.

We had an awesome time at Youth Congresss.  Last night during service, everyone that attended Congress had the chance to speak about what they recieved from the sessions and services.  It was awesome to see that each person found something for them.  Every testimony was different, and so compelling.  I heard from a young man that I can now see the call of God on his life to the ministry of preaching.  I heard from another that is most likely feeling the call to being a sunday school teacher (but has not yet recognized it), and the list goes on.

I was so proud of our youth.  Each one had never been to a Youth Congress.  Let alone a place where 18,000 young people joined to worship God in spirit and in truth.

There were so many highlights that it is impossible to mention all of them… but there were a few that are more prominent.

  • It’s Okay to Be Different – Bro. Huntley.  He talked to our kids about not being ashamed of who they are.  To stand up for what they believe in… and embrace being different.
  • What if? – Tim Rutledge.  He spoke on our choices.  What if we do this? How will we look? What if we mess up?  He challenged them to take risks in the Name of Jesus and for the gospel.  Don’t look back on life later and ask What if I had just did what I thought instead of dwelling on what others might say or do?
  • Recognizing the Call – Bro. Haney.  He ministered in so many ways during his session.  But one thought stood out more than others.  He talked about how God calls some one, and we keep asking for direction, keep asking for affirmation.  He talked about Noah, and how that God spoke to him to tell him how to build the ark, what to preach and then for 120 years Noah didn’t hear from God again, until it was time for the door to be shut.  Where is our commitment to just do what God has asked us?  Why do we need confirmation upon confirmation.  Isn’t his word enough in the first place?

Those are just a few of the things that were brought out during this years Youth Congress.  So much was accomplished in the lives of our young people.  I believe in this generation!  I believe that they are the generation that will lead during the last days.  They are the ones that God has chosen for this time.  And they will do it without fear or shame, and with more boldness than those that came before them.

Let’s encourage them!  Let’s stand behind them and support them when they fall!  Let’s believe in them and what God has called them to do! I would rather be a part of it, than not at all!

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