Favorite Women of the Bible

I love to study on the women of the Bible.  We have a tendency to think that them being in the Bible puts them on a different level.  But when you study them, you realize just how much they are like us, and can be used to minister and uplift us in our current needs and situations.

On Facebook, I was recently asked who my favorite women of the Bible were.  I have so many, it really was hard.  But three stand out so much more than others.  All for different reasons!

First, I would have to say Jochebed. (Exodus 2:1-9; 6:20;  Numbers 26:59) The mother of Moses.  She was a mother who was willing to give up her child so that he might live, and then was able to teach him in his early years… and teach him with enough conviction, that later he turned to God rather than the idols of Egypt.

The other two are interesting choices.  🙂

Bathsheba, (I Kings 1:11-31; 2:13-21; I Chronicles 3:5). She was the mother of Solomon.  I know she was an adulterer… but that isn’t the part I want to focus on.  The passage of scripture that I wonder about is Proverbs 31.  There are many that believe that King Lemuel, was in fact, Solomon.  (It is something which we can’t know for certain.)  If this is true, then Bathsheba would have been the mother giving her son advice.  What wisdom this woman would have had.  Could it be that she had learned from her mistakes and wanted her son to have more than what she had been?  Many women today, desire to be that virtuous woman.

Lastly, there is a woman, who kind of brings out the mystery and suspense part of me.  Her name is Jael.  (Judges 4:9; 4:17-24). “The Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.” She was probably an average woman… but one with the boldness and unafraid to do just what needed to be done.  We need to be warriors today.  Prayer warriors!  Let’s just DO what needs to be done!

Well, those are my thoughts for today.  Looking forward to our Bible Study tomorrow.  It will be on Sarai/Sarah.  Am excited about what God will show us through studying His awesome Living Word!

One thought on “Favorite Women of the Bible

  1. Kendra Lynn says:

    I have some awesome books you need to read! They are 3 novels on different women in the Bible. One is on Deborah, one about Rahab and one, I believe, on Jael. Excellent books…very informative on the lives of these women!

    I will have to let you borrow them.


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